Welcome to The Town of Barnstable!
The Town of Barnstable was awarded technical
assistance through the
Massachusetts Downtown Initiative Technical
Assistance (MDI) Program to collaborate with
Stantec Consulting Services to develop the
Downtown Hyannis Wayfinding Plan . The
Wayfinding Plan includes a comprehensive inventory
of existing signage downtown with recommendations to
streamline and enhance signage to improve legibility
and ease of navigation to amenities and public
parking. The Plan implements recommendations
established within the
Hyannis Parking Study & Implementation Strategy
. The proposed signage is categorized into four
general typologies: gateway, identification,
directional and informational with design options
for both pedestrian and vehicle signage.
study area for this project was focused on downtown
Hyannis spanning from the intersection of Main
Street and South Street (to the west) to School
Street (to the east) including nearby destinations.